Friday, January 1, 2010

Day 1

I have heard that The Twilight Zone is a realm where the environment appears to be reality where all of the pieces are there, yet something feels off. That is how I feel this morning.

It is my hope to write every day in 2010 as part of a way to incorporate writing back into my life on a daily basis. We'll see what you get...

Today is disorienting day. I have been gone from Pasadena for almost three weeks and will be returning tonight. I have not been feeling well for months, which already puts me off-kilter a bit (since I'm fairly intuned with my body) and then these last three weeks I've been doing research on my family and its history for my family therapy course. But when I return I have three courses to complete this quarter, my work at the after-school program, leading my existing life group in Azusa and launching a new one in Pasadena, heading all of the life groups at Oasis, organizing my Vocational Discernment Group, and more.

I feel overwhelmed. Am I ready to return to all of my responsibilities? Am I ready to leave my family? Well, despite being "ready" time marches on. One of the benefits of following Christ is that, in a sense, He follows me--we go together--I am not alone.

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